Email Marketing Marketing

25 Eye-Catching Mail Subject Line Tips: Get More Replies

Email subject lines can make or break your email effort. A compelling subject line ensures you are already halfway to making a purchase. With this articlewe asked experts to weigh in on what to consider when you craft your own subject line.

Listed below are the top 25 email subject line Advice from the pros:

Morgan-Mandriota-email subject lines

1. Use Emojis to Stick out in a Customer’s Inbox

Morgan Mandriota, Creator, Hawk+Pearl

1 tactic I love to incorporate in emails is the usage of emojis.  ? Only a few brands do this, and they’re typically lifestyle-type blogs and businesses, like Atlantic Records. But, whenever I visit an emoji at the topic line of a message, then I’m more inclined to notice it (and open it) among the onslaught of emails saturating my own inbox. It does work, out of experience, because if I send an email with emojis in the topic line as part of an e-commerce campaign, the open rate is greater than it would’ve been without the picture.

Deborah-Sweeney-email subject lines

2. Use a”Listicle” As Your Subject Line

Deborah Sweeney, CEO,

I have found that among the most effective techniques for producing a compelling email subject line is to use a listicle as your own name. Our latest topic suggestion for our October newsletter was”7 ways to spread fall cheer at work ” It was easy and brief, but also fascinating because it didn’t give you all the info up front. When you started the newsletter, you found out that the title did not link to a conventional bullet blog post, but instead an infographic that people created in-house. The very best subject lines are the ones in which a story is being told — and it’s your choice to start the newsletter to keep reading to discover more.

Scott-Marquart-email subject lines

3. “You Have $2.37 Left to Spend.”

Scott Marquart, Creator, Stringjoy Guitar Strings

For us, the greatest subject line we have come up with in the previous two years is for an automated follow-up email that clients get when they have never made a new purchase in the past three months. The subject line is,”You Have $2.37 Made to Spend.” We tested a number of different versions and we found that the urgency of the offer, the curiosity from using a specific, odd number (which outperformed a round number by almost 40 percent ), along with the brevity combined to produce the great subject line. So far, that email has a 46% open rate. 33% of those who opened the email clicked through the connection, and 26% of those who clicked have made a purchase.

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4. Capitalize ONE Significant Word On Your Subject Line

Bret Bonnet, Co-Owner/Founder, Quality Logo Products

It’s effective to capitalize A word in your subject line so the reader understands you’re communicating the value of the term to them. Don’t capitalize numerous words though since it looks like you are screaming in your own reader. Decide on who you would like to include in your target audience and tailor your subject lines and their wants/needs. If you understand your audience consists of many math tutoring centres, then you’ll want your subject line to say something along the lines of,”Captivate clients NOW with cheap, custom calculators!”

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5. Use Ellipses on Your Subject Lines

Steven Aldrich, Chief Product Officer, GoDaddy

1 successful strategy for raising open rates is utilizing an ellipsis in your subject line. Ellipses pique interest and motivate users to learn more by opening the email. GoDaddy seen many customers using ellipses in subject lines this season, including,”Nothing states’I LOVE YOU’ Just Like…”

Tim-Grinsdale-email subject lines

6. Avoid Pushy or Promotional Subject Lines

Tim Grinsdale, Owner, TOAD Diaries

Don’t assume promotional or pushy subject lines will allow you to stand out. In our experience, it’s far better to craft a subject line that creates a sense of the client being valued, rather than a generic advertising’shout’. We’ve seen this bear real fruit when trying to improve the open-rates in our email advertising campaigns. A current A/B test of the email subject lines shows that this in practice:

Model 1:’A particular deal just for you as a valued TOAD client’ — Open Rate 12.02percent

Model two:’FLASH SALE from TOAD Diaries — Top Quality, Section Sewn, Lined.’ — Open Rate 9.32%

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7. Use Subject Lines That Contain a Shock & Awe Factor

Angela Zade, Marketing Campaign Manager, Revenue Storm

What I found works best for our email marketing campaigns is your shock & awe variable — although not in the standard sense. Shock can be represented by either a sharp verb or a phrase in all-caps. For instance, the term”Steal” is a very sharp and attention grabbing verb. Or, I could write”WEBINAR” in all caps for scannability. In that sense, I am”shocking” my reader with a pop. Awe means composing very figurative, borderline poetic subject headings. I use alliteration, simile or metaphor to make poetic lines, limiting them to three to five words maximum.

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8. Consider How Linked You Are into the Recipient

Daniel K. Lobring, Vice President Marketing Communications, rEvolution

I believe that a fantastic place to start with email subject lines is thinking about just how connected you (or the newest ) are to the recipient. If you’re coming to the inbox cold, there is worth in catching the reader’s attention with something which will make them think. Maybe even insert an opinion that’s a bit controversial or a lineup that doesn’t really make sense, or explain a product in a funny or unconventional way simply to grab the receiver’s focus — that will leave them wanting to read/learn more.

When the recipient is already engaged and a lover, then email marketing functions as a communications extension and lends itself to more freedom in the way you communicate. You can be more direct and utilize your manufacturer’s authentic tone of voice because they already bought in — your reader will probably come to anticipate many different interesting subject lines resulting in compelling content, and they’ll want to participate both with you and your email advertising.

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9. Know Your Audience

Jules Dahbura, Founder, Deco Miami Cosmetics

Know what your target audience enjoys! My customer base is largely 20-35 year old ladies, so I create email tags which have pop culture references relevant to that week. As someone who receives 50 emails demanding things of me, I know call to action can get uncontrollable, so I always search for lyrics which are subtle call-to-actions instead. For instance, I sent an email out last week titled”LOOK everything you made me ” (referencing Taylor Swift’s brand new tune ).

Richard-Laermer-email subject lines

10. “Thirty-Second Pitch–I promise to not waste your time”

Richard Laermer, CEO, RLM Public Relations

The very best subject line ever is:”The Thirty-Second Pitch–I promise not to waste your time” I have had more analysts, reporters, bloggers, contributors, as well as my own mother open these emails since we were just dead honest with them. I tell people to keep in mind that nobody would like to open an email, however you can nudge them a little bit.

Scott-Johnson-email subject lines

11. Tell The Customer What’s Going to Happen If They Do Not Respond

Scott Johnson, Owner,

The number one mistake people make when sending emails which need eyeballs is they fail to inform the client what their need is, why they want it, and what will happen if they ignore it. Call it honesty if you must. By way of instance, a lot of insurance policies lapse or go outstanding because the subject line reads:”Life Insurance Payment?” A much subject line would be”Pay Life Insurance Bill by Nov 15th or COVERAGE WILL END.” Often times, cold reality works better than polite candor.

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12. Use Natural Human Tendencies For Your Edge

Ian McClarty, President & CEO, PhoenixNAP Global IT Services

Humans have an innate desire to become more inquisitive. You are able to leverage this having open-ended email subject lines, so people will be interested. Provide a cliffhanger which can only be fulfilled by opening the emailaddress. For instance in earnings, if a lead has gone cold, try”Our next steps”. Use this topic line to re-engage a prospect that has gone silent. We also use software to monitor open and reply levels of emails from our sales staff. Constantly examine and tweak results to discover what works best.

Joe-Montgomery-email subject lines

13. Use Unusual Words

Joe Montgomery, VP of Marketing, 250ok

One way to excite readers’ curiosity is to use words which they would not expect to see in their inbox. You do not have to be overly silly or outrageous, but do select words and phrases that are vibrant, descriptive, and a bit odd. It adds a sense of mystery and intrigue. Some great examples of fascinating language in a subject line:”Fireworks and Darts and Versions and Swim Trunks” from UrbanDaddy or”For Hustlers Only” from AppSumo.

Stephen-Gibson-email subject lines

14. “I would like to feature you in my blog.”

Stephen Gibson, Founder,

Inside my subject lineI state”I would like to feature you on my website.” I have been a startup blogger since 2009 and more recently began offering PR & marketing and advertising solutions to them. When I want to reach out to new prospects, I just offer to write about them. The only trouble with this approach is that it’s a massive investment. I write about much more businesses than might employ us for our solutions. However, I really like blogging about startups anyway, so it ends up.

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15. Invoke Fear Sparingly

Parker Cuskey, Inbound Marketing Strategist, THAT Agency

Invoke fear sparingly. While utilizing FOMO is a superb way to increase open rates, folks do not like to get scared when they start an email. For example, after Google AdWords took out a key feature in one of their algorithm updates, we decided to send out an email to inform our audience. We chose to go with”Sorry for your loss…” as the subject line. Even though we got a record high open rate, our audience gave us harsh feedback and many unsubscribed. Rather than using fear, try to invoke positive emotions rather.

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16. Appeal to the Lizard Brain

Melissa Power, Senior Program Manager, Interprose

On the lookout for an open-worthy topic line? Appeal to the Lizard Brain, the oldest aspect of the brain responsible for primitive survival instincts–which”flight or fight” response. When you are forced to start an email with the topic”Y did and you won’t believe what happened,” that is your lizard brain taking over. Lizard brain works quickly and appeals to psychological response — five times faster than conscious thought. Think shiny items, loud noises, bright lights. To place Lizard Brain to work for you, appeal to the requirement to understand:”New York Venture Capitalist Funds Silicon Valley Startup.” Readers will want to know that!

Desiree-Crowley-email subject lines

17. Make it Dramatic and Private

Desiree Crowley, Style and Visibility Strategist,

The mails I have seen with the most effective open rates, are slightly dramatic, are all about the customer, and make massive curiosity to the reader because it provides the impression that the email could be about them . For instance, as an visibility strategist who helps women entrepreneurs conquer their fear of movies, one of my best email subject line was”RE: Your Videos”

Maggie-Aland-email subject lines

18. A/B Split Test Your Emails

Maggie Aland, Marketing Editor, Fit Small Business

Try A/B split testing 3 different email subject lines. Every one of the 3 subject lines should comprise different approaches to linking with customers (e.g. you should be promotional, one ought to be entertaining, etc.). When you’ve selected 3 subject lines, send out your emails (the material of these emails ought to be exactly the exact same to serve as a control variable) through email advertising software such as MailChimp. The software tracks open rates for each email, and assesses the performance of each. This lets you serve the best content to your clients rather than guessing which strategies to use.

Jessica-Hopson-email subject lines

19. Ask a Question

Jessica Hopson, Account Supervisor, Lovell Communications Inc..

The most successful subject lines are the ones which ask your reader a query. When a query is introduced, people naturally seek an answer. Conveniently, that answer lives within the email that you just sent, meaning they need to open it to find the answer. Address the burning questions that your customers have about your product or service, and you’re going to instantly relate to your customers. Just be sure to keep the question applicable to this content!

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20. Use the Concept of Linear Progression

Mike Michalowicz, Founder and CEO, Gain First Professionals

The idea of linear progression is simple. Every 5 words of your subject line (or email) must make the reader want to read the next 5 words. In our instance, at Profit First, when we want to get the attention of someone new to send them a copy of my publication we use the subject line”Can I Have Your Correct Address?” We use this because it instantly captures the reader’s attention and almost assumes a sense of urgency. The reader wishes to click on the email and read what we must say.

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21. Use a Professional Email Address

Online credibility may also determine the odds of your email becoming opened by recipients. Having an email address with your own site domain name is an important thing to improve nothing but that. Subject lines that are descriptive and professional sounding instead of spammy have better open rates. In case your email address is [email protected] instead of [email protected], the odds of your email being read go up appreciably.

Interested in a free business email address and domain name, when you purchase hosting? Fit Small Business’ urges Bluehost. Get it directly here.

LeadQuizzes-email subject lines

22. Be Mysterious

You have already scrolled past it, you try to focus on the next emails in front of you, but for some reason that your mind keeps wandering back to this email. Who? What? Why? And you know you won’t have the ability to sleep until you appease your curiosity and discover out. What should you do?! You give in and click on the email to see ‘9 Disgusting Truth about Thanksgiving.’  Who would not wish to read this?

Employing a mysterious email subject line is a sure fire way of improving your open prices. Just make sure it can be tied to your actual email. For example,”Don’t open this email” functions as a subject line when your email is about your brand new day spa that’s certain to make a person forget about the work they need to do.

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23. Use Top Subject Line Keywords

Studies have been done to determine the proper keywords to increase open rates of emails. Based on Alchemy Worx, which examined 21 billion emails delivered by 2,500 brands, the best five most successful subject line key words were:”update”,”just”,”content”,”go”, and”wonderful”, while other studies from various organizations such as Digital Marketer and Adestra show more results like”is coming”,”get this today”,”free delivery”,”summer”, and”weekend”.

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24. Use a Spam Checker

One of the main reasons why marketing emails don’t get started is because it utilizes trigger words that sends the emails into your recipient’s spam folder. Words like”donate” and”free” are a few of mailchimp’s phrases to see. Using all capital letters or incorrect name (calling you Paul if your name is Christopher” on the topic line also finds its way to spam. According to Marketingsherpa, this occurs to 11 percent of email. The best work around for this problem is to utilize the spam checker built into your email marketing plan. Later, send yourself a test email to see if it arrives.

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25. Use Seasonal Email Subject Lines

Referencing a holiday or period of the year is quite successful when it comes to advertising email subject lines. The term”holiday” has tested as a top open rate keyword, combined with”a Christmas” and”that this Christmas” and it’s simple to set up also. Often, your standard emails can be adapted to use a seasonal reference, thus increasing the response rate.

Some examples of good vacation subject lines include:

  • “Your New Year’s Resolutions for Losing Weight”
  • “Unique Gifts for Dads and Grads”
  • “Huge Savings on Holiday Overstock”

For more tips on email marketing, see Fit Small Business’ article on Email Marketing Best Practices here.

Over To You

By now, you’ll agree that creativity goes a long way in regards to developing effective email subject lines for your marketing campaign. Keep innovating in the event that you want to get your message across to your audience.

Have you got your attention grabbing email subject line suggestions to share? Join in the conversation by leaving your message in the comments below.

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