A timesheet keeps track of the number of hours an employee worked during a specific period of time. Timesheets may be used not only for small business workers, but also for individual contractors and contractors who bill by the amount of time they work. In this guide, you will find free downloadable timesheet templates for weekly, biweekly, monthly, daily, and semi-monthly pay schedules. We also included a project timesheet for staff or freelancers which submit billable hours.
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1. Free Weekly Timesheet Template
Utilize this weekly timesheet if you compute employee time worked, PTO and wages on a weekly basis. If you want to add up things , print and download our PDF. Otherwise, download the Excel spreadsheet or Google sheet, and it’ll manage the calculations to you according to formulas contained within the spreadsheet cells. In addition, spreadsheet versions of these timesheet templates are all customizable so you can add information into the timesheet like worker location, employee number, or project name.
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Download as XLSX/Google Sheets
2. Free Biweekly Timesheet Template
Utilize this timesheet if you cover or calculate wages every 2 weeks. Open the Excel or Google spreadsheet if you would like it to handle the calculations for you. Otherwise, download the PDF for your employees to complete manually. Obviously, this means you are going to need to calculate their hours manually.
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Download as XLSX/Google Sheets
3. Free Monthly Timesheet Template
Utilize this timesheet if you cover or compute salary on a monthly basis. Similar to the other templates, this one is customizable if you download the spreadsheet version.
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Download as XLSX/Google Sheets
4. Free Daily Timesheet Template 
In certain situations, like when employees are working an occasion or spending all day for an offsite training session, you’ll have a daily timesheet, and may require all employees to sign in and out on the daily timesheet so you are able to track hours worked by all employees at the occasion. Moreover, this can be used by non-profits who don’t need to pay employees, but do need to track volunteer hours worked each day.
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Download as XLSX/Google Sheets
5. Free Semi-Monthly Timesheet
If your company pays twice a month, rather than every 2 weeks, then your timesheet will need to have areas to track time 1-15 and times 16-31. It is possible to manually input the date and day to the spreadsheet, or simply list the entire month. If you use this timesheet in a spreadsheet format, a good practice is to create a new tab for every month of the year. Employees would then enter time-worked information in the proper tab (Jan, Feb, March, etc.), so you’re going to have a running total of all hours worked for the year.
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Download as XLSX/Google Sheets
6. Project Timesheet
This template can be used by individuals who need to calculate hours worked on jobs. In addition, it can be utilised in offices where employees’ time is monitored against clients or jobs, or when staff have to designate billable hours to ensure clients can be invoiced property.
Download as PDF
Download as XLSX/Google Sheets
Additional Free Timesheet Options
If our timesheets aren’t precisely what you’re looking for, you will find additional timesheet templates available. If you use Microsoft Office, their templates are liberated. For instance, here’s a wonderful weekly time sheet in MS Word which you could print out. And here’s one in MS Excel which does the calculations for you. Pinterest users also occasionally post their timesheet templates as freeware for anybody to use.
Online Timesheet Software
If you would like to quit asking employees to complete paper timesheets, we recommend using employee monitoring software like Homebase which includes not only the timesheet but lets you create employee schedules, document clock-in/clock-out occasions, and compute time without having to do any manual calculations. Or consider a basic time clock with internet features.
You can even export timesheet data from packages like Homebase directly to QuickBooks and several other payroll software providers, which means you can run payroll without having to manually enter hours or calculate wages.
Bottom Line
Tracking employee time worked is important to the bottom line of each small business. In the event you would rather use paper timesheets, then pick the template over that works best for your business. It is possible to print the timesheet template as a PDF for your employees to complete manually, or download and customize the templates as an MS Excel document or a Google sheet so employees can input their time around the computer, and either print or email their own timesheet to you when done.
If you would like to try switching to a free electronic alternative, we suggest checking out Homebase. You can check out our comparison here.
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