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Press Release Instructions Format & Easy To Use Template

In this guidewe provide you a free fill-in-the-blank press release template for Microsoft Word and Google Docs. We will also offer you a few tips on distributing your press release once it’s finished. Simply download the template, then add your own logo, and adjust the text in [brackets] to reflect your own company and press launch.

DOWNLOAD — Free Press Release Template (Word/Google Docs)

As soon as you’ve written your press release, you must send it out with eReleases, our recommended press release service for smaller companies. EReleases distributes your press release to 5,900 networks, including the Associated Press, PR Newswire, Google News, and their own network of bloggers and journalists. Click here to save 33% on your first press release.

See eReleases

Free Press Release Template & Format Instructions

Press releases follow a well-defined format that simplifies the writing procedure. Journalists and bloggers read hundreds of press releases per day, so following this arrangement helps ensure they capture the essential information at a glance.

Listed below are the 11 key components of a successful press release:

Click on to download the free press release template (Word/Google Doc)

1. Company Logo

press release format: top features

The very first thing that you ought to put on your press release is the company logo at the top center of the page. If you’re emailing your press release, it’s also advisable to include a URL to some high-resolution PNG of your logo.

2. Contact Information

Beneath the logo, you can put your contact info along the right margin. Some people opt to set their contact info after the human body paragraphs. Whatever you choose, it should look like this:

Contact: John Smith
Phone: -LRB-123-RRB- 456-7890
Email: [email protected]

3. Release Date

Not all media releases contain a launch date, but if you decide to incorporate one, place it at below your logo on the left margin. This should either state”FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE”, or”FOR RELEASE ON [date] AT [time]”.

4. Headline

press release format: headline & dateline

The headline “head” is your first chance to catch your reader’s attention and inspire them to keep reading. You ought to keep your headline short and to the point. Try to stay inside the 80-170 characters range, and use language that’s clear and easy to understand.

Remember, you’re trying appeal to a journalist, so you don’t need to plug in your company straight away. The headline can function to prepare the huge image story into which you can weave your business later on. It needs to be centered, with a size 14 font and bolded.

5. The Deck

The deck or sub-header is composed right below the headline. It grants you the opportunity to further develop your story angle, however should not repeat information already presented in the headline.

6. Dateline

The dateline presents the date and location of the article, and can be separated from the first body paragraph by a dash. The location should be spelled out in all capitals. It must look like this:

BOSTON, MA, September 1 — [Body Text…]

7. First Body Paragraph

The first body paragraph must present the who, what, when, where, and why/how of the media release. This should act as a brief overview that offers the reader a general idea about what the whole story is about. You need to follow the facts , and avoid hyping or trying to sell your services or products. The body text ought to be typed into a non-bolded size 12 font.

8. Remainder of Body

press release format: main body

The rest of the body paragraphs serve to complete the narrative you’ve introduced in the headline and 1st body paragraph. Make sure to write in a journalistic style so that media outlets can use your text as-is. Use short paragraphs (2-4 paragraphs ), and don’t hesitate to include statistics, links, media content and quotes.

Media Content

Section of the human body is able to include different types of media content, like photos, videos, and sound clips. Be sure to also include the original files so that your networking contacts can make use of these clips if they prefer. Media articles can help you stand out on both social websites and search engines.


You are able to use separated block quotes to highlight specific aspects of your narrative. Quotes might help add yet another view other than the author’s.

9. Boilerplate

The final paragraph in your press release should be the boilerplate, which introduces information about your business and what it does. This ought to be a factual explanation, also it can be used repeatedly in different press releases.

10. End notation

press release format: lower features

If your press release uses two pages, the first page must finish in using”-more-” centered in the bottom of the page. Your final page should end with three pound signs, such as this: ###

11. Final Note

As soon as you’ve finished the text of this press release, it’s a good idea to put one final note at the bottom that encourages someone who’d like more details to reach out to youpersonally. Something like:”If you would like more information about this subject, please telephone [Name] at [Telephone number], or email [email address].”

Once your press release is done, we advocate distributing it via eReleases. They send your media release to the biggest media outlets, such as the Associated Press and PR Newswire, which makes it searchable by 90,000 professional journalists and journalists. You might even browse our top press release services review for more options. Click here to save 33 percent with eReleases.

See eReleases

How to Format a Press Release

Here’s a few key press release formatting guidelines to keep in mind:

  • Keep total length under two pages, or 400-500 words
  • Avoid using”I”,”we”, or”you”
  • Use a standard font, such as Times New Roman or Calibri
  • Bold your header & italicize your own subheader
  • Use 1″ margins on white paper
  • Last but not least: PROOFREAD

A media release is an chance to present your company in an extremely professional manner. Make sure you proofread your press release several times to make sure there are no spelling or grammatical mistakes. You should also have a trusted friend or colleague review it for any mistakes you may have missed.

Press Release Cases

Here’s a few examples of common types of press releases. Click the titles of every example below to view the entire press release.

Press Release Examples

New Product Launch Press Release Example:

The Biggest Loser Trainer, Pauline Nordin Found a New Brand and App to Defatten America

Scandinavian”Biggest Loser” coach and creator of the successful DVD,”The Butt Bible”, is launching a new program called”Live Life Lean”.

Rock n Taco

New Location Press Release Example:

Grand Opening: Rock N’ Taco Brings Musically Modern Mexican Fare to Uptown Dallas

Rock N’ Taco is newest addition to Dallas’ Uptown location.

Event Press Release Example:

St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church to Host Thanksgiving Eve Service

Celebrate Thanksgiving Eve using all the”Joy In Giving” service in St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church on Nov. 27. A free-will that’s encouraged.

For more examples, check out our top 40 favourite media releases, including ideas from the writers on how they had been effective.

The Most Important Thing

Following our press release template will help you keep on stage as you write your press release. You’ll want to follow along closely to ensure you’ve included all of the crucial data, such as your release date, boilerplate, and finish notation.

As soon as you’re all set to start, do not forget to have a look at eReleases, our recommended press release service for small companies. EReleases distribute to 5,900 media outlets, including the Associated Press, PR Newswire, and also their own network of journalists and bloggers. Click here to save 33 percent with eReleases.

See eReleases

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