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Best Online Real Estate School — Brightwood vs Career Webschool vs Real Estate Express

As a prospective real estate agent, you have lots of options when it comes to deciding on the best online real estate school. Inside this informative article, we examine three leading online real estate schools that could enable you to complete your state’s pre-licensing requirements and pass your state’s licensing exam.

Greatest Online Real Estate School: Brightwood

Brightwood Real Estate Education (previously Kaplan Real Estate Education) is our recommended online real estate school since their online delivery imitates an in-classroom experience while still giving you the convenience of self-paced research, and Brightwood gets excellent student reviews.

Stop by Brightwood

Brightwood vs. Career Webschool vs. Real Estate Express Comparison

  Which are courses offered? Price of Courses Length of time to finish class

Brightwood online real estate schoolBrightwood

Extended in
17 countries
$179- $1399 Self-paced
Up to 6 months

career-webschool-Career Webschool

Extended in
19 countries
$79- $519 Self-paced
Up to 6 months
(Three 60-day extensions are allowed)

real-estate-express-logoReal Estate Express
Extended in
25 states
$79.20 – $615.20 Self-paced
Up to 6 months
Learn More Learn More Learn More

Best Overall Online Real Estate School: Brightwood

Brightwood Online Real Estate School
Brightwood Real Estate Education (formerly Kaplan Real Estate Education) provides a top of the line learning experience by simulating live classroom education. Every year, Brightwood instructs nearly 34,000 licensed and potential real estate pros, and it gets good reviews from former students.

You don’t need to have a Brightwood path to pass the licensing exam. However, Brightwood pupils have strong pass rates on their exams, and the classes will help you absorb and retain information that you will use as a realtor. .

Brightwood Real Estate Education provides you a classroom experience without you having to leave the comfort of your own home or office. For some states, Brightwood has a unique online shipping system known as”OnDemand Learning.” You can watch video recordings of instructor-led classes at your own speed –you can pause the movie or rewind it. Also, Brightwood has weekly interactive study groups where the instructor leads a webinar on a selected subject, and students get to discuss it and ask questions. Should you ever have questions regarding course content whilst studying, your instructors are just an email away and will respond within 24-48 hours.

Present real estate agents who took Brightwood classes give Brightwood good testimonials. It’s a very small number of complaints on the Better Business Bureau.

On the downside, Brightwood is significantly more expensive than Career Webschool and Real Estate Express. Its online courses begin at $179 at Mchigan, whereas the other two begin at about $79. But, Brightwood includes exam prep, research groups, and other helpful features into that $179 package. Brightwood does not offer a payment plan or even a money back guarantee for online classes if you do not pass the exam.

Stop by Brightwood

Greatest Budget Online Real Estate School: Career Webschool

Career Webschool - Online Real Estate SchoolIf you are on a budget, Career Webschool and Real Estate Express offer some cheaper options for online real estate courses. Our top pick for best budget real estate school is Career Webschool since it has better student reviews than Real Estate Express and a good way of understanding and retention.

Career Webschool’s courses begin at $79, while Brightwood’s start at $179. For $79, you can find a basic course that meets your required pre-licensing hours also gives you all of the info you need to pass the exam. They offer email interaction with instructors as well as weekly interactive webinars led by class instructors.

Career Webschool gets good reviews from former students and property professionals. In contrast, Real Estate Express has inferior Yelp testimonials and lots of complaints against it have been registered with the Better Business Bureau. We were particularly concerned because the vast majority of all BBB complaints were about the caliber of the instruction rather than about secondary matter like billing.

According to Career Webschool, what sets it apart from other colleges is their approach to learning and retention. They deliver information in tiny chunks (every study session is no more than 20-30 minutes ), provide you miniature quizzes to test your comprehension immediately after each semester, and repeat information so that you master it. They also assert to focus on concepts rather than just memorizing facts. Career Webschool states their teaching format makes material simple to comprehend and retain without so much as taking notes.

Fit Small Business is partnering with Career WebSchool to offer online real estate courses.

Visit Career WebSchool

Other Alternatives: Real Estate Express

Real Estate Express - Online Real Estate SchoolOwned and operated by McKissock LLC, Real Estate Express presents solid real estate licensing instruction at reasonable prices. Although we believed that Brightwood was a far better overall choice because of access to different class delivery formats, Real Estate Express is still a solid option. Their pass rates are as large as Brightwood’s in most states, plus they offer a 100% refund if you are not pleased with their courses after the first week.

Visit Real Estate Express

In-Depth Review: Brightwood vs. Career Webschool vs. Real Estate Express

Which States Are Online Real Estate Classes Offered In?

Since licensing occurs on a state-by-state foundation, you need to take courses which are accepted by your country’s real estate division. If you reside in a more compact state that is not covered by Brightwood Real Estate Education, Real Estate Express, or Career Webschool, it is possible to take your pre-licensing courses at a nearby school or university. Some local colleges and universities have distance learning choices so that you are able to take the classes from the convenience of your home or office.

Brightwood - Best Online Real Estate School

Brightwood:  Brightwood provides real estate classes in 17 states. Some larger or more populous states where Brightwood will not offer online property courses include Florida, Massachusetts, Missouri, and Maryland. Given that Brightwood is this a popular online supplier, we were amazed that Florida (the next most populous state in the nation) wasn’t included. See complete list of states provided (click on your country ).

Career Webschool - Best Online Real Estate School

Career Webschool: Career Webschool presents online real estate classes in 19 nations. Much like Real Estate Express, Career Webschool will not offer courses in Ohio, North Carolina, Massachusetts, and Maryland. It does offer classes in Florida and Missouri. See complete list here.

Real Estate Express - Best Online Real Estate School

Real Estate Express: Real Estate Express delivers real estate courses in 24 states. Online property classes are not extended in Ohio, North Carolina, Massachusetts, and Maryland. Real Estate Express does provide online real estate courses in Florida and Missouri. See complete listing here (hover your mouse over”Get Licensed”).

Price of Real Estate Licensing Courses

Real estate college will cost you roughly $100 to $600, depending on which class package you select. To illustrate the range of class packages, we’ll take California as an example. To provide a context, California requires 135 hours of pre-licensing courses, divided into 45 hours Real Estate Principles, 45 hours on Real Estate Practice, and 45 hours on an elective such as Real Estate Law or Finance.

Brightwood - Best Online Real Estate School

Brightwood: For $499, you can buy an OnDemand online class package which will pay for the whole 135-hour California pre-licensing course requirement. The bundle includes video records of instructor-led classes, physical textbooks (no more e-book option), a supplementary review in the end of the course, the weekly interactive study group (described more below), a drill and practice question bank, examination prep sessions, and a CD of real estate terms and definitions that you want to know for your examination.

Rather than buying the 135-hour class bundle, you can buy the California classes in three separate 45-hour parts, but this ends up costing you more. I think that this”a la carte” choice is intended for students who completed a part of their pre-licensing requirement elsewhere and would like to finish the rest at Brightwood. Get more details .

Career Webschool - Best Online Real Estate School

Career Webschool: Career Webschool provides 3 distinct 135-hour packages. The”Basic” package, priced at $99, gives you 3 e-books for your 3 different required subject areas. The e-book breaks up the subject material into sections and contains quiz questions to check your comprehension after every segment. If you buy the $249″The Works” bundle, you will additionally get test prep guides, a mathematics master nutritional supplement, and a ebook of real estate terminology. For the $339″The Works Deluxe” package, you get everything in the lower tier plans and physical textbooks. But you still do not get video education and an interactive study group just like you would with Brightwood, so the quality of education isn’t as great. Get more details .

Real Estate Express - Best Online Real Estate School

Real Estate Express: Real Estate Express offers 3 distinct 135-hour bundles. For $99 (“Standard” package), you receive 3 e-books for the 3 different topic areas required by California and a math supplement which targets the mathematics you should know as a real estate agent. For $175 for the”Silver” package, you get the exam prep master including practice exams. The most expensive”Success” package, priced at $299, lets you receive a free”specialization designation” in a particular area or real estate. Included in the Success bundle, Real Estate Express also will help you set up a customized broker site on realestatesites.com. Real Estate Express doesn’t provide video instruction or an interactive analysis group like Brightwood does. Get more details .

Exam Pass Rates by School

Some states publish test pass rates based on educational supplier. Here’s a breakdown of first-time property agent exam pass rates for the 3 suppliers in Texas, Colorado, and Washington.

  Texas Colorado Washington
Brightwood Real Estate Education 67 percent 70 percent 60 percent
Real Estate Express No data available No data available No data available
Career Webschool 63% 40% 60 percent

*Washington and Colorado department pass rates for your state and national portions of the exam. We averaged the provider’s pass rates for the two sections to reach the provider’s overall pass rate.

Brightwood - Best Online Real Estate School

Brightwood: had the highest overall average pass rate in Texas and Colorado, and matched Career WebSchool at Washington.

Career Webschool - Best Online Real Estate School

Career Webschool: Career WebSchool had a passing rate in Texas almost as fantastic as Brightwood’s, but by a much smaller sample size. Even though not many folks in Texas utilized Career WebSchool, their departure rates were not enough to bring down their average. Back in Washington, they were on par with Brightwood.

Real Estate Express - Best Online Real Estate School

Real Estate Express: We could not locate passing rate data for, Real Estate Express at Texas, Washington, Colorado or any other state.

Exam Preparation & Practice Exams Offered?

All three suppliers offer examination prep and practice exams that will assist you pass your state’s certification exam. You need to obtain a class package that includes practice exams and exam prep sessions. Remember, you cannot get your property agent license unless you pass both your course final exam along with your statewide final exam. Exam prep makes it possible to feel confident about all these. If you are the sort of person who gets nervous during evaluations or just wants to be sure you understand the material, doing examination prep is a fantastic idea.

If you’re on a small budget, you can find practice tests online for free, but you can not always guarantee they are up-to-date, and the answer key does not always provide explanations for every answer.

Since the examination prep offerings vary slightly based on the state you are in, we will again use California for example.

Brightwood - Best Online Real Estate School

Brightwood: The OnDemand bundle involves an internet drill & query bank that has numerous full-length practice exams and mini exams to test your understanding of a specific topic. In fact, you can actually build exams tailored to you by choosing topic areas that you are having difficulty with and the amount of questions you have sufficient time to reply through a particular research session. There are explanations for every question and answer. The Exam Prep package also prepares you for exam afternoon with instructor-led video review of core topics that you studied throughout the course. You can pause and rewind through the movie review to make certain you fully understand everything going into the exam.

Career Webschool - Best Online Real Estate School

Career Webschool: The Works and Deluxe packages come with exam prep. The examination prep ebook covers the most important topics about the licensing exam, some questions regarding each of these subjects, and a closing 100-question clinic exam for real estate agents. Unfortunately, there are 150 questions on the California statewide exam, therefore this practice test is not the best preparation. Career Webschool does not offer exactly the exact same number of practice questions as Brightwood and Real Estate Express. Practice makes perfect, so the amount of time you devote to clinic can really make a difference on exam day.

Real Estate Express - Best Online Real Estate School

Real Estate Express: The Success and Silver packages come with Exam Prep Master. This online tool provides you up to 14 practice exams that gradually increase in difficulty leading up to examination day. There are exams specifically on real estate terminology, math, and state-level info, so you can be certain that you’ve mastered each topic that will be examined. Finally, there are two full scale 150 question practice exams that have Exam Prep Master. You will find explanations for each question and response. Unfortunately, unlike Brightwood, Real Estate Express does not offer a extensive pre-exam review of what you researched throughout the course.

Instructor Q&A and Study Groups

Most online real estate schools make teachers available via email or telephone so that distance learners can find the most out of their courses and ask questions. Brightwood even has an interactive study team that a study from MIT shows improves learning. Take advantage of those things if you’re struggling with course content.

Brightwood - Best Online Real Estate School

Brightwood: For Brightwood courses, teachers are available by email to answer questions about course content. Though phone accessibility would have been even better, the teachers respond quickly within 24-48 hours. Brightwood instructors are property professionals .

The Interactive Study Group is contained in the OnDemand courses and is essentially a string of live webinars where teachers cover chosen real estate topics and give pupils the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the topics with each other. Brightwood encourages one to”prepare any questions you might have and bring them to the study groups; the purpose is to keep you on course to complete your education, reinforce key concepts covered in your classes, and give the opportunity for you to socialize with Brightwood’s faculty and learn from other students.” Interactive research groups are not yet offered in all states, but Brightwood hopes to expand accessibility shortly.

Career Webschool - Best Online Real Estate School

Career Webschool: Instructors are available via email, and they’ll respond within 24 hours. They also offer weekly interactive webinars with teachers.

Real Estate Express - Best Online Real Estate School

Real Estate Express: Instructors are available by email if you have questions, and they’ll respond within 24 hours. You could also leave a message to the instructor by calling customer support, and they will relay the message and have the instructor call you back. Instructors are real estate professionals. No research groups are offered.

Length of Time to Complete Online Course

The most appealing thing about online courses is the advantage and the flexibility they offer you the student. With all those three providers, you can complete the course at your own pace. That said, the longer you take to complete the course, the more likely you are to forget stuff learned early on. This can make passing the exam much more difficult. If at all possible try and schedule your class time to finish the course within a month or two.

Some states limit how fast you are able to finish the course. For example, California requires one to take a training course test after each of the 3 required sections, and you need to wait at least 18 times between segments.

Brightwood - Best Online Real Estate School

Brightwood provides a six month time period in which you need to complete the program. If you don’t complete the course within six months you need to purchase it again.

Career Webschool - Best Online Real Estate School

Career Webschool: Like Brightwood, Career Webschool offers a six month interval to complete the program. If you feel you’re not likely to complete the course in 6 weeks, Career Webschool will grant you up to three 60-day extensions free of charge.

Real Estate Express - Best Online Real Estate School

Real Estate Express: Like Brightwood and Career Webschool, Real Estate Express provides a six month time period within which you have to finish the course. If you do not finish the course within six months you need to purchase it again.

Tuition Assistance and Money Back Guarantees

Brightwood - Best Online Real Estate School

Brightwood: One drawback to our recommended provider Brightwood is the fact that it doesn’t offer a payment plan to generate tuition less expensive. Real Estate Express is the only provider of the three which delivers an installment payment plan. You can pay an initial deposit which equals 1/3 of this class cost and pay the remainder in two installments over the next 60 days. To use the payment plan, you have to pay a $12 processing fee. Brightwood does provide some advice on where you can get tuition assistance, but they themselves don’t provide tuition assistance or a payment program. However, Brightwood does have a money-back guarantee in case you cancel the course within the initial thirty days.

Career Webschool - Best Online Real Estate School

Career Webschool: Career Webschool will pay the price of your retake examination if you pass the course examination with a grade of at least 80% and then fail the state final examination. Brightwood offers a similar warranty just for its live classes. Guarantees/refunds aren’t allowed by law in certain states, such as Florida and Tennessee.

Real Estate Express - Best Online Real Estate School

Real Estate Express: Real Estate Express doesn’t provide tuition assistance, but they are the only one of the 3 companies to offer an installment payment program. Additionally, they offer you a 100% refund if you are not satisfied with their classes after the first week. They will even offer you a 110% refund of your class costs if you become at least 80% in their practice examinations and neglect the state final examination.

Can They Offer a Demo Class?

Often the best way to find out if a college is ideal for you would be to watch a demo course. Each of the providers has online videos that show the way their courses work.

Brightwood (Kaplan) Demo Course Video

Career Webschool Demo Course Video

To see a presentation of Real Estate Express, see their homepage, and click on”3-Minute Quick Tour” in the peak of the page.

Course Formats Offered

Real Estate Express and Career Webschool only provide online courses, but Brightwood delivers additional options.

Brightwood - Best Online Real Estate School

Brightwood: You can choose to take live instruction at a Brightwood location near you. As an alternative, you can do house study. Home research is textbook-based learning. There’s no online schooling. Brightwood only ships textbooks and some course materials to you personally, and you also read the material and learn it on your own. Obviously, home research is less costly than online instruction, but it also may not be as effective.

If at all possible, we would advise taking in person courses since they offer more opportunities for feedback and interaction. Nevertheless, this is just a question of personal preference. MIT did a study in 2014 that found online courses are just as effective as traditional in-person education. The key is what they call”interactive engagement pedagogy” essentially a fancy way of saying interacting in tiny groups assists learning. That is the reason Brightwood’s interactive options are so beneficial.

Career Webschool - Best Online Real Estate School

Career Webschool: Career Webschool’s courses are only available online. They have no classroom training available.

Real Estate Express - Best Online Real Estate School

Real Estate Express: Real Estate Express also only has courses available online. They don’t provide classroom instruction.

Continuing Education Courses

The majority of states mandate that you take continuing education courses after you get your real estate license to keep your license active. Brightwood, Real Estate Express, and Career Webschool provide online continuing education courses, so that you may perform your pre-licensing and post-licensing classes at precisely the exact same provider. You don’t need to spend time finding another provider for continuing education classes. You may learn more about continuing education requirements within our guide on getting your real estate agent license.

Since continuing education is required to maintain your license in most states, many brokers either don’t take it seriously, or go for the cheapest online alternative available. In our opinion, this can be a big missed opportunity.

When many countries mandate agents take certain number of hours of fair housing material due to their continuing education requirement, there are a number of different options available which can help you improve as an agent. By way of instance, Brightwood provides continuing education courses covering sustainable housing and green construction practices, understanding credit and improving credit scores, and introductions to commercial real estate and property investing to name a couple. You ought to look at the continuing education requirement as a way to be a better agent and close more deals instead of just a chore.

The Bottom Line: Who Is the Best Online Real Estate School?

Our choice for the best online real estate college is Brightwood. They come closest to simulating an in-person class with video records of instructor-led classes and interactive research groups where you can discuss real estate topics with the instructor and other pre-licensing students. In addition to providing an engaging learning experience, Brightwood’s examination prep review sessions and practice exams help prepare you for test day, and they have higher pass rates in many states to establish it.

Visit Brightwood

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